Our Roles/Duties as Trustees
As Trustees, our role in a Trust transaction includes but not limited to:
- Hold, preserve and manage Assets given by the clients (called the settlor) to hold on his/her behalf for the benefit of named persons (called beneficiaries).
- Protection of our clients’ interests in a fair and professional manner
- Recommend to the Board of Trustees on an annual basis, a clearly stated Investment Policy and Guidelines conforming with applicable laws and macroeconomic conditions prevailing in Nigeria.
- Ensure strict compliance with the Investment Policy and Guidelines in accordance with approvals granted by the client or the Board of Trustees.
- Ensure proper and secure custody of all documents, books and records relating to the assets in Trust.
- Ensure that monies accruing to the assets as capital or income are in compliance with all applicable regulatory laws, rules and regulations.
- Monitor economic and financial market developments, credit and operational risk management practices and procedures in order to ensure compliance with parameters set by the Investment Policy and Guidelines contained in the trust Deed.
- Submit report(s) on a quarterly or annual basis of the activities and operations of the Fund to the Board of Trustees
- Oversee the successful implementation of the Assets, settlement, continuous monitoring and any other service that may be required on the Trust